Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Birthdays!

Ok, I seriously thought I was getting this blog stuff down. But in reality, I kind of suck and I've already gotten behind. Where to start? Birthdays because that is generally when I take pictures and I think it's super boring to read a blog if there are no pictures. First birthday on the list: Grandpa LaRue. What can you say about that man? One of the most selfless and kind people I've ever met but has a little bit of ornery old man buried underneath. And by little a mean, kind of a lot of ornery old man and it's not so buried. Still, he's such a sweetie and he cracks me up constantly. We had a family dinner for him on his birthday and ended up inviting my other grandpa over too. Of course there was a random photoshoot in the kitchen, who doesn't have one at a family gathering?

Here's the birthday boy with his cake (mind you, this is the most successful picture)

And here's one of the dozens that didn't work out, poor Grandpa, I kept talking to him telling him to look at me but he thought it was my mom talking to him so he kept looking at her.

Here's Grandpa LaRue with most of the grandkids, it all looks good except for him scowling.

And here's Grandpa Blaine with some grandkids.

Overall, it was pretty fun night and it was fun to sit around as a family and talk. Plus an 11:30 dance party and midnight Walmart run were involved so it was doubly fun.

Next birthday was my little big sister McKell. Although I didn't get to see her on her birthday I was able to wish her a happy birthday through Facebook and texts.She probably deserves her own post but I'm lazy and so I'm just squishing this in. I'm warning you now, this is going to get seriously mushy here. McKell is one of the most amazing people I've ever met. She can talk about hunting and guns as good as any guy AND knows more about makeup and skin care more than anybody I've ever met. She is hilarious, tough, and one of the best mothers ever. I don't know where I'd be without her and even though I don't see her all the time, I want her to know that I love her and how much of a difference she has made in my life. She's definitely one of my heroes. Happy late birthday Meech!

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