Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Taking SLC By Storm

So how have I lived 19 years and never been to Fashion Place Mall? This was the question on my mind Saturday morning. Answer: I really wasn't missing anything and I could probably go another 19 years without going there. Either I got old really fast and I'm already out of fashion or I'm really going to hate all the spring fashions. I'm sorry but there is no way I'm strapping my fat butt into bright red skinny jeans. That's just not happening, I'm sorry. And 7 inch glitter heels? Yeah those aren't happening either. I learned that the hard way and so did that wall that I rammed into trying to get them off. My sprained ankle is still yelling at me for that mistake.

I have to say, the highlight of Saturday was not Fashion Place Mall as I thought it would be. I'll give you a couple of choices as to which was my favorite part of the day.

A: Tatted mountain men with walking sticks that clearly have no purpose?

B: Smoking gingers with longer ponytails than mine?

C: Stretch limos in the middle of the ghettos in SLC?

Normally, I would be happy with any of these but I think my highlight of the day would most definitely be...
D: Chipmunk faced nephews

You know those mothers that drive you crazy when they go off bragging about how cute/smart their child is? I'm one of those aunts. I see a baby come through my line, I start off talking about how cute they are and suddenly I find myself bragging about my nephew. I don't know how it happens and I try to stop myself but it still happens. Honestly, can you blame me?

Get a load of this lovable scamp!

It's tripping me out that he's going to be a year old soon. He makes me laugh so hard already, he's definitely his mother's son. We had a wicked sweet time walking up and down the mall together and I think we both got our exercise for the day. I can't wait until I get to see him and McKell again, it was a fun day!

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