Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hunger Games aka How Suzanne Collins Got Me Addicted to a Substance Stronger Than Crack

So I read the first book in Hunger Games a few weeks ago and I was like, ok that was good, probably not one of my favorite books but definitely worth reading. Then I got my lazy butt to the movie last night and something snapped. For the past 24 hours I have pretty much lived and breathed Hunger Games. How bad is it? I started reading this morning and pretty much haven't stopped, finished Catching Fire about an hour ago. At one point in the day I realized I needed to pee but told myself I was going to finish that chapter before I went. I think this was around 1:00 or 2:00ish. Yeah, didn't realize that I hadn't gone yet until like 5:30 or 6:00. You know you have a problem when you but bodily functions on hold.
I think my problem is that dang Peeta. He's too lovable with his little butt chin. And his stupid confessions of love to Katniss every five minutes. I still can't believe he's the kid on RV. Before I started reading, I had heard everyone going off about how they were all Team Peeta. In my rebellious, non-conformist head I thought, there is no way in Hades I'm ever going to like Peeta. Team Gale all the way! And then I read the first book. Sold. I about died when was being interviewed by Caesar Flickerman. Plus the fact that I'm talking like a 14 year old girl about characters in books like they're my best friends prove I've kind of lost it. The real reason I'm writing this is I'm looking for distractions to keep me from started the third book because we all know if I start it now I won't stop until it's done and I have to work tomorrow morning. Haha so I just was looking up a picture of Peeta to put on here because what's a blog post without some pictures, and there's an article about Josh Hutcherson being amazed at all his "Peetaphile" fans. So officially I just thought that I should admit I believe I'm on the verge of becoming a Peetaphile :) Also, I'm ending this before it gets any more obsessive than it already is.

Friday, March 2, 2012

My Music Through the Ages...

So I got the idea to do this post last night at like 3, I almost wrote it then but I figured my writing wouldn't be coherent and it wouldn't do anybody any good. Not that my writing is that much better at 11:45 but you know I'm an insomniac and I need something to do until the melatonin kicks in. What is this genius idea you ask? My life through the years with music.

Music is a major part of my life and you'll rarely find me doing anything without playing music. I listen to music when I shower, clean, brush my teeth, play Sudoku, and I'm pretty sure I even listen when I go to the bathroom most of the time. Mark me down as addicted. I'm also one of those people that find one song that I really love and play it a million times. Because I've always been like that, I tend to have 1-3 songs that I particularly remember for each year of school starting with 3rd grade. So here goes.

3rd grade- Anything S Club 7. This was the year that I got my first personal CD player for Christmas. I remember distinctly unwrapping this first:

And I knew what was coming. I was soon the proud owner of the raddest lime green Walkman ever. That had to be one of the best Christmases, present wise, ever.

4th grade- Hilary Duff, I don't remember having a particular favorite song of hers from this era but I remember watching Lizzie McGuire all the time and being so excited when I heard she was releasing and album. I was so jealous when my friend got the CD for her birthday in December and I had to wait until my birthday in January to get a copy. This was also the year that the Lizzie McGuire Movie came out which was pretty much the shiz and I regained style points (that I had lost from not getting the CD first) by going to the movie not only before all my friends but with my sister that was in college. Talk about a comeback.

5th grade- Swing, Swing by All American Rejects. This is where I made an abrupt U-turn from pop to punk. Let's face it, I was pretty much the coolest thing that elementary school had ever seen and everybody knew it if you listened to All American Rejects or Avril Lavigne. I listened to both, just saying. Thank you older siblings for introducing me to cool music and making me be ahead of the crowd.

6th grade- Lala by Ashlee Simpson. I kind of had a relapse on the pop issue. I remember listening to this in the back of the bus on the way to school everyday. At the time Ashlee Simpson was still pretty hardcore for a 6th grader and it kind of brought out violent behavior in me because I ended up throwing batteries at people's heads on the bus. Good times.

7th grade- Possibly my best year of music revolution. The summer before 7th grade I spent in front of the TV watching Fuse. Warped Wednesdays were the highlight of my week. It was then that I met my first love, Patrick Stump. Anybody who knew me at this time, I apologize for my constantly spewing about Patrick and his amazingness. I look back at pictures of him from that time and I'm like "Seriously? What was I smoking?"

Nevertheless, this would be a year that would live in infamy. It was during this year that most of my teenage rebellion happened and as Jake says, I was "a little emo kid." So is there any question that my favorite song from this time would be Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy. I have to admit, it was hard to choose one specific song to pin to this year but I think the music video won me over. LOVES it.

8th grade- Honestly, I've tried to narrow this year down to one song but I just can't cut out any of my choices so there's 3 for this year. First one: Dark Blue by Jack's Mannequin. The scene in my head with this song seriously belongs in a movie. There was an assembly in the gym one day in like March maybe April, it wasn't warm outside but I was rebelling and wearing flip-flops. As I was at the top of the cement bleachers, they started playing this song and I happened to glance across the gym to where the 9th graders were sitting. There was this super hot kid sitting on the other side, all of my friends had crushes on him and he had amazing hair, which was really all that mattered to me. So me thinking I'm all cool, start kind of strutting and lip syncing to the song, just so he knows that I'm a little punk girl and this is my kind of music. Bad idea. The next thing I knew, I was flying down the bleachers on my butt and ended up taking the girl in front of me down with me. Talk about embarrassing. Next song. Dirty Little Secret by All American Rejects. Listened to every morning while getting ready, called the radio station 15 times in an attempt to get them to play it. Amazing song, lame music video. 3rd song. Here (In Your Arms) by HelloGoodbye. I specifically remember this playing at all the dances that I went to that year and it was pretty much the most romantic song ever written at the time, or so I thought. It was one of the first songs I ever downloaded on my first iPod. Also the cover always sticks out in my head:

9th grade- There's A Class For This by Cute is What We Aim For. So many memories of this song. First one, there was this kid who had a crush on me but I didn't really like him back, and I remember him asking me what I was listening to I can't remember if I answered him by making him listening to or quoting the line " I may be ugly but they sure love to stare." I remember a look of horror on his face and he didn't really talk to me after that. Second memory that isn't really a memory. It was during 9th grade that I became like every girl in America and started reading Twilight. Since I read it before the movies came out, I had this picture of what Edward was supposed to look like and I was positive that it was like Shaant, the lead singer of Cute is What We Aim For:
I still think he would have been better than Rob Pattinson. You know, if Shaant could act and everything.

10th grade- Risque by Cute is What we Aim For. Yes, the obsession continues. I always associate this song with freedom. Sophomore year was the year that my friends got their licenses and we would drive around town with this song blaring. This song always makes me think of that.

11th grade- I don't really have a specific song for this year. I guess just kind of a mix between Enrique, Ke$ha and Lady Gaga because they were all big that year and I listened to Tik Tok and Bad Romance probably 3 million times each and all we learned in Spanish that year was Enrique songs.

12th grade- Since Senior year was only 3 months and most of it was a blur because I was taking 10 classes, the only memory I have of music was driving to my friend's birthday party in Logan and listening to Bottoms Up by Trey Songz and Nicki Minaj with her little sister. I remember us synchronize dancing without even plannning. It was a proud moment of genius for both of us.

So there you go, a quick recap of my life through music, only it wasn't quick and it took me almost an hour to write it. You know how I do. :)